The Sage handbook of social gerontology
/ edited by Dale Dannefer and Chris Phillipson
. – Los Angeles : Sage Publications, 2010.
xxiv, 685 p.
Contents: PART ONE: FUNDAMENTAL AND DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ON AGEING. The Study of the Life Course: Implications for Social Gerontology / Dale Dannefer and Richard A. Settersten, Jr. -- Past as Prologue: Toward a Global History of Ageing / W. Andrew Achenbaum -- The Economics of Ageing / James H. Schulz -- Social Anthropology and Ageing / Christine L. Fry -- The Demography of Ageing / Christina Victor -- Epidemiology of Ageing / Dawn Alley and Eileen Crimmins -- Disability and Ageing: The Social Construction of Causality / Jessica Kelley-Moore -- Environmental Perspectives on Ageing / Hans-Werner Wahl and Frank Oswald -- PART TWO: AGEING AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE. Age and Inequality in Global Context / Angela M. O'Rand, Katelin Isaacs, and Leslie Roth -- Gender and Ageing in the Context of Globalization / Toni Calasanti -- Ageing and Health among Hispanics/Latinos in the Americas / Kyriakos Markides, Jennifer Salinas, and Rebecca Wong -- Religion and Age / Peter G. Coleman -- Intergenerational Relationships of International Migrants in Developed Nations: The United States and France / Merril Silverstein and Claudine Attias-Donfut -- Family and Age in a Global Perspective / Ariela Lowenstein and Ruth Katz -- Intergenerational Relations: Asian Perspectives / Leng Leng Thang -- Societal Dynamics in Personal Networks / Theo van Tilburg and Fleur Thomése -- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Ageing: Shattering Myths, Capturing Lives / Dana Rosenfeld -- Friendship and Ageing / Graham Allan -- PART THREE: AGEING AND INDIVIDUAL CHANGE. Age, Self and Identity in the Global Century / Jon Hendricks -- Social Structure, Cognition and Ageing / Duane F. Alwin -- Stress and Agentic Ageing: A Targeted Adaptation Model Focused on Cancer / Eva Kahana and Boaz Kahana -- Agency and Social Structure in Ageing and Life Course Research / Victor W. Marshall and Philippa J. Clarke -- Age, Experience and the Beginning of Wisdom / Monika Ardelt -- Loneliness and Ageing: Comparative Perspectives / Marja Jylhä and Marja Saarenheimo. Biosocial Interactions in the Construction of Late-life Health Status / Kathryn Z. Douthit and Andre Marquis -- Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Social and Cultural Context / Danny George and Peter Whitehouse -- Socio-cultural Perspectives on Ageing Bodies / Stephen Katz -- Time and Ageing: Enduring and Emerging Issues / Jan Baars -- PART FOUR: AGEING, CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT. Ageing and International Development / Peter Lloyd-Sherlock -- Migration and Age / Tony Warnes -- Global Ageing: Perspectives from Sub-Saharan Africa / Isabella Aboderin -- Population Ageing and Old-age Insurance in China / Zeng Yi and Linda K. George -- Ageing in a Global Context: the Asia-Pacific Region / David R Phillips, Alfred C.M. Chan, and Sheung-Tak Cheng -- The Significance of Grandparents to Grandchildren: An International Perspective / Peter Uhlenberg and Michelle Cheuk -- A Social View on Healthy Ageing: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives and Australian Evidence / H. Kendig and C. Browning -- Social Dimensions of Anti-ageing Science and Medicine / Robert H. Binstock and Jennifer R. Fishman -- The New Ageing Enterprise / Harry R. Moody -- PART FIVE: AGEING AND SOCIAL POLICY. Social Policies for Ageing Societies: Perspectives from Europe / Thomas Scharf -- Globalization, Social Policy and Ageing: A North American Perspective / Carroll L. Estes and Steven P. Wallace -- Social Policies for Ageing Societies: Australasian Perspectives / Michael Fine and Sally Keeling -- Cross-National Trends in Work and Retirement / Philip Taylor -- Continuous and Long-term Care: European Perspectives / Caroline Glendinning -- Long-term Care in China and Japan / Yun Zhou and Yuzhi Liu -- Ageing and Quality of Life in Europe / Alan Walker -- Later Life and Imprisonment / Azrini Wahidin and Ronald H. Aday -- Ageing and Urban Society: Growing Old in the 'Century of the City' Chris Phillipson -- Technology and Older People / Claudine McCreadie. End-of-Life Issues / Liz Lloyd -- Ethics and Old Age: The Second Generation / Martha Holstein -- The Politics of Ageing / Susan A. MacManus with the assistance of Andrea L. Polk and David J. Bonanza.